A super special day for the children welcoming our new Heart & Soul fur baby. This wee guy is the perfect choice for us being a Saanen x Nigerian dwarf goat, he will not grow very big and has a fantastic curious nature. We are expecting number two in the new year which hopefully the […]
Here at Heart and Soul we are fully committed to getting our Tamariki outside and amongst nature, because we believe that the outdoors is an ultimate provider… A great way to support this is by involving them in gardening so we are about to embark on our biggest and most ambitious project to date!
Well, our two new farm friends have certainly settled in quickly over the last 2 weeks and clearly enjoyed all the attention they have been receiving. The children have been thoroughly enjoying the experience and It’s been a team effort mixing food, providing tummy scratches, and brushing thos
As we’re finally set to get a reasonable amount of rain, we have started planting out for our new native nature trail. We have set aside 380m2 to plant out with locally sourced NZ native trees along with a willow dome lookout for our children to explore. This feature will be a valuable extensi
May 21, 2020
The Chickens are back
Before the Covid19 lockdown period, our children embarked on the project of hatching some Plymouth Barred Rock chicks. Unfortunately, they had no longer finished hatching when we were all required to head home for Level 4. The baby chicks were taken back to our place and cared for during this period
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After 25 years of early childhood teaching experience it was my dream to open a nature based early learning centre on our farm in Whenuapai so children could experience the same freedom and joy I felt by growing up on a farm, however with zoning and planning barriers it was not to be. That’s why [
After careful planning and in-depth collaboration with our teaching team, we have recently made a significant investment in new furniture and resources for our lovely children and teachers. This is very exciting for us all as it will refresh and improve the quality of our learning spaces which will
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A big welcome to the new addition to our farmyard. Please meet our new friend Bob who is a gentle, child friendly lead rein pony for all of us to enjoy and take care of. Bob loves a pat on his neck and a hello from the children. We are all very excited to have […]